Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Forgotten

Initially when I watched the documentary, I became aware of just how big this problem was. Almost every weekend I go clubbing in Downtown and I see all of the homeless people lining the streets. I see them begging for money and to be perfectly honest, most of the time I see them as a nuisance. This leads me to think that his intended audience are younger individuals like myself, that he hopes to inspire to make change in the upcoming years. But i do have to give it to him: his effective use of pathos throughout the documentary definitely pulled at my "heart-strings" and overwhelmed me with sympathy. His uses of images of Homeless people begging for food or just wandering around in hysteria drew me in but in my opinion failed to get more in depth. He even uses images of homeless people standing in line at soup kitchens or many of them grouped around to show us just how many of them are out there and how out-of-control this problem is becoming. As i initially stated in the beginning, I've been exposed to plenty homeless people before and this hasn't even been the first documentary I've seen and what i hoped this one would've fulfilled would've been my need to know WHY? Why are people homeless? How does that happen? How do you go from having a life to becoming part of a forgotten civilization? I would've like it if additionally to proposing a solution for those who are already homeless, if he posed a solution for preventing homelessness. In addition, i thought one of his most ineffective points was when he introduced the gentleman who had hit rock bottom and was formerly homeless. How was he able to rise from that? The gentleman proclaimed to have once been homeless, yet there he stood fresh and clean in a clean pair of clothes. Maybe this is the solution. If he did it then so could others! Yet we wouldn't know because there was never any elaboration on what he did to bounce back. Though this documentary succeeded at making me feel sad for all the countless homeless people out there, how many people out there are going to rise up in support of a cause they know nothing about except that it makes them sad?

Thursday, November 13, 2008


My thoughts on this issue are many. This is an issue that I'm very passionate about so please feel free to just put the paper down at any time. This issue is an issue that is very close and dear to me. My best friend is a gay male. He's not just my best friend but almost like my brother. It kills me to think that if later on in life he falls in love with a man, he won't be able to express his love and get married with his husband. What kind of ignorant country do we live in where someones personal life is being intruded on in that way. Of course this is a moral and not a civil dilemma! There are so many ignorant pigs out there who seem to believe that gay marriage is an abomination and it makes me sick. How exactly is it any one's problem that i choose to marry a women. They say America's a free country well I'm here to say that that's bullshit. America's a country full of rights at the convenience of what "head of states" seem to think is right. By taking away a gay person's right to marry, that's imposing on there civil liberties. If yo restrict someones rights then you're treating them not much better than an animal. It shames me to say that issues like these are what drives political scandals such as finding male political candidates in bathrooms trying to pick up men. It's our society that has shamed them into marrying, only to later have their true natures revealed. It's a damn shame that this is what we live in...this world sucks.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Please, take me!

It's easy to say that we'll create something that theoretically sounds like it'll work but once put into action we realize that it doesn't. This, i think, is the case with the No Child Left Behind Act. Although it's called no CHILD left behind, it's basing it's education on a teachers performance. Not to mention the fact that one of the parts that this act entails is a comparison between 2 completely different classrooms filled with completely different students. Like the teacher said, it's like comparing apples and oranges. The man performing about the act stated that he would want his child to learn from his mistakes and not just pass them without learning the material. This act can easily cause teachers to give an 'incomplete' instead of a D or an F. Furthermore, this all kind of snowballs if you think about it. When you give a child an incomplete without him learning anything, you pass him onto the next grade without previous knowledge of what was taught in the previous grade. What happens next is if a teacher happens to grade her students as they should be graded and these students aren't putting as much effort as the ones she had last year, her school gets money taken away. Things like this make me doubt much of the faith that i have in our government...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Rock the vote...don't tip the vote over!

Let me begin by saying that it's amazing, the changes that I've undergone in such a relatively short period of time. Around this time last year I was a senior in high school and to be frank, I couldn't care less about politics. I've matured in ways that have come as a surprise to me. Who would've thought that at the young age of 20 [recently turned] I'd be worrying about political issues...not me that's for sure! As I begin to write this i realize that I look at embarking on my first vote as a right of passage. I begin to think that by voting for the first time it'll be like earning a place in this world that I live in, I will be participating in creating a better living for myself and those around me. I know it sounds corny but that's how I feel.
Anyways, with that out of the way there's just one thing that I want to say: OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT!! lol I know you've all heard this from time and time again but it's definitely time for a change, not just physically but in general. Particularly there is one issue that is very close to me as a college student and that's the issue on higher education and how high college costs are nowadays for college students. In the last five years college costs have grown nearly 40 percent. First of all, how are we expected to go to college and make something of ourselves when we can't even afford it! This issue directly affects me because i'm currently a college student who has to make ends meet because i can barely afford school. That is why Obama plans to create the American Opportunity Tax credit. What this is is a fully refundable tax credit for college students that ensures the first $4,000 of your college education free and it'll cover two thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university. This proposal will definitely alleviate some of the financial headaches that college debt leaves us with. In addition to this, Obama will also minimize the difficulty of applying for financial aid by eliminating the FAFSA form and simply creating a box that you can check if you wish to apply for financial aid. By checking the box you're simply authorizing them to use your tax returns as reference. He also plans on increasing the Pell Grant through out the next couple of years for low income students. I believe in Obama's honesty when he says that he plans to make a change.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Have we been blinded?

As I sit here after watching that clip, i can barely contain all the thoughts that are running through my head. I think me, just like everyone else out there saw the attack on 9/11 for what it literally was: a horrible attack on the World Trade Center. We tuned into the news and we saw the horrible images of the planes crashing into the buildings, we saw the ashes consume the city and we saw the weeping faces of those who lost loved ones. But over all this we saw countless speeches from our president, letting the nation know that he was going to do everything it took to find those responsible. Basically, what we saw was what we were given to see. I for one never bothered to take a deeper look into things.
The god-honest truth is that this clip has left me speechless because it makes a very good point. All of the compelling evidence in those clips points to the possibility that the we might have been behind our own attack! Why wasn't the nation put on high alert when all those other countries warned the US about possible ominous threats? If asked that question what would the answer be?
The clip also shows an extensive amount of eye witnesses who heard bomb related explosions going off inside the building right before the building collapsed. Why wasn't this further investigated? If the buildings were getting crashed overhead then why the hell were bombs going off inside? Though it isn't proven, the amount of people claiming to have heard the same thing isn't just a coincidence.
But you see, all of this has just simply led me to ask the simple question: why? Why would the US do this to itself? What would the reasoning behind it be? What did they gain from killing millions of people an leaving our nation in debt. I'll wait patiently for the answer...

Monday, September 22, 2008

I wanna be just like Paris when i grow up!

We all like to think of ourselves as single individuals. Individuals who are free to do what they want and act as they want because they're unique. Well, the sad truth is that we're all in denial!
Nowadays, celebrities are what we all look up to. We read magazines and watch shows that depict their lavish lifestyles and we try to mimic them as best as possible. We model our style behavior and even way of thinking after them. You don't realize it but suddenly you're onto the next fashion trend: scarves. Why? Because it was part of Cosmopolitans upcoming fashion trends and Hilary Duff was spotted wearing one. Duh! Suddenly everyone around you has a scarf of a different color and shade. Lol. You see, the media has become such a normal thing in our lives that we don't even see it's influences in our everyday lives.
Lets take a look at politics, most of us teenagers don't even know what the heck is going on in the world of politics. We don't know the deeper issues or even the reasons behind each candidates stance, but what we do know is that if Paris Hilton is a Democrat, then so are we! Lol. A lot of the times, we see celebrities on TV talking about politics, and we latch on to their views and make them ours. Though that's not a bad thing it just goes to show how quickly we're influenced by what we see on TV.
Regardless of the influence it has on our style, it has an even bigger influence on the way we think. For example, in English class we recently saw the movie "Fidel." All of my life I've been taught to think of Fidel as a horrible man who did inexplicable damage to his people. Yet I'm frightened to say that after watching what I saw of the movie, if i didn't know better I would've thought he was a good man who was simply misunderstood. The images and the way he was portrayed in the movie helped shape those thoughts.
That definitely serves as prime example of the media's extensive hold over us. But if we can't trust the media then who can we trust?

Monday, September 15, 2008

What does it feel like to be poor? Well till about a second ago, being poor for me was not having enough money to buy this cute Juicy wallet that I've been wanting. Wt eff was i thinking? Sitting here, i cannot even begin to conceive what it would be like for me to wake up in the morning, and know that i have to scavenge through dumpsters in order to put food on the table. I can only sit here and watch the goosebumps run down my arms as i think of how selfish I've been. I mean, I'm not alone. I'm sure most people on this side of the world complain about the water in the shower not being hot enough or the AC in your house not being cold in enough, but all it takes is few pictures to put it all into perspective for you. While you're out there taking your life for granted, one more person has died as a result of hunger or insufficient medical care due to no money.
When i was much younger ago i came into close contact with poverty on a trip to visit my late grandmother in The Dominican Republic. I remember walking down the street and noticing a pattern: there were a variety of young boys, some into their teens, dressed in tattered clothing. They were dirty and appeared homeless and they all carried wooden boxes with old shoe cleaning products. I remember looking at my mother and asking her what was wrong with those boys. She looked at me and told me those are "limpia-botas." As if on cue a young boy who looked like he was about 9 asked me if he can clean my shoes for a "peso," but before i could answer my mother just yanked me arm and kept walking. I know i was too young to understand but i old enough to know that i didn't want to be in their place. I look at it now and i wonder why their government hasn't done anything about that. These are young boys, who have no education and are forced to live on the streets, why not create housing for them or give them scholarships? But the sad truth is that sadly those who have the power to do something about this DON'T. Is there any hope for mankind?
I sit here, a lonely girl with a righteous opinion and i think about all that i can do to alleviate poverty in third world countries and the truth is: not much.